Rocket Club secret Master plan roadmap from zero to hero

🚀 CARE4Space.IT “secret” Master Plan part 1 from zero to Hero!

Having a plan is the key to #success, and this is our “top secret” Master plan and progress status:

✅ Expand the #team with new members with different #skills
✅ Choose an appropriate club name and locate a #lab test area
🟠 Create a # #project and an online presence
🟠 Looking for #sponsors and #partnerships
🟠 #Learn while #building more advanced #experimental #student #rockets
🔴 Build a rocket that sustains #supersonic velocity with a # solid rocket motor.
🔴 Test and #launch the rocket in the right place
🔴 Be able to participate and join the #competitions
🔴 Carry a # and safely recover the rocket after the flight.
🔴 Have fun, #learn and #challenge at the # 😉

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